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novice pet lvl?

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novice pet lvl?

Postby wildtrack » Thu Jul 08, 2004 9:46 am

im a novice ch and im a little confused i mean a non ch can hold a lvl 10 pet and when you get novice it says pet lvl +12 does this mean that i can hld up to a lvl 22 pet? or only a lvl 12 its not really vry understandable
what i wasnt meant to eat him??
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Postby Nytar » Thu Jul 08, 2004 10:23 am

I'm pretty sure it was 12 instead of 24. I think your best bet is to use a BE pet if you have money.
[color=#33CCFF:b375b202e1] Nyter:Genetics[/color:b375b202e1]
[color=#33CCCC:b375b202e1] Tempest[/color:b375b202e1]
[color=#33CC99:b375b202e1] Naboo, Edoras[/color:b375b202e1]
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Postby Zurlaboo » Thu Jul 08, 2004 12:54 pm

Hi Wildtrack,

I think that notation confuses everyone :)

Any player, even non-CH can handle a pet up to level 10. When you get novice CH, that begins to increase with each box trained. Novice adds 2 so you can handle pets up to level 12. Each of the bottom 2 boxes of each branch adds another 2 levels, so at 1/1/1/1 you can handle up to level 20. At 2/2/2/2 you can handle up to level 28. I believe the third boxes add 3 levels each and the fourth add 4 levels. The master crown adds 10, so at master CH, you can handle level 70.

Keep in mind that these levels apply to wild creatures (yellow dots on the radar) and that vicious creatures (red dots) consider your vicious modifiers as well, gotten from the first branch and/or clothing/food modifiers.

Be safe out there and have fun!

One tame at a time,

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