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Postby Motherslip » Wed Jul 21, 2004 5:05 pm

[quote:dc38dbd6ad=\"Yvesof\"]My apologies on behalf of Juicer to you Motherslip. He's a little new to these boards too and was probably having a bad day to warrant that comment. There's also wrong info about Wookies getting plus levels to their creature handling abilities floating around so he may have been p.o.'d with that. The wrong info I'm referring to is that a Wookie gets +10 to his CL calling abilities when in fact they only get +10 to Taming and +10 to Taming Viscous Animals, doesn't change what level pet they can call.

As for your questions....a non-ch can hold 2 pets. The levels of these pets don't matter (you can hold a level 70 pet if you'd like) but you can't call anything that's above CL 10 until you reach the appropriate stage of Creature Handler. I hope that answers your questions. As for why you couldn't receive the second pet you mentioned earlier, I'm not sure. Try it again sometime, it could've just been a glitch.[/quote:dc38dbd6ad]

[b:dc38dbd6ad][color=yellow:dc38dbd6ad]Well, thank you, Yvesof! That helped a lot!
OK--just to make sure I understand you--then, it isn't the ability of the \"holder\" which is important but rather the training of the creature which is important? Once he is trained, anyone (even a non-CH) can handle him. Right? That makes all kinds of sense.

If you don't mind, I would like to ask another stupid question. Just lately, since I have been more successful as a killer (I hate this--I want to HANDLE 'EM, NOT KILL 'EM) babies have started popping up everywhere. Do I have to kill them, or can I let them go? There is no way I can do anything with them yet, is there? I hate killing babies. (I know--it's just a game, lol. but when you are in it, it doesn't feel like it)[/color:dc38dbd6ad][/b:dc38dbd6ad]
AKA TootsieDaWookie/Ithi Ok'a/L'essa Ru'Atha/Fewi Ik'Ra

Never met a creature I didn't like--well--except crawly ones--well--except stinky ones--well--I haven't met ALL of 'em, either------
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Postby Juicer » Wed Jul 21, 2004 5:10 pm

srry i didnt mean to sound mad or anything, i had just never heard that a wookiee could use higher level stuff, and was asking about it :D
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Postby Motherslip » Wed Jul 21, 2004 5:16 pm

[quote:c88fe7769f=\"Juicer\"]srry i didnt mean to sound mad or anything, i had just never heard that a wookiee could use higher level stuff, and was asking about it :D[/quote:c88fe7769f]

[b:c88fe7769f][color=yellow:c88fe7769f]Unfortunately, Juice, I am too new to the game to be a good person to ask. All I have is lots of questions. :oops: [/color:c88fe7769f][/b:c88fe7769f]
AKA TootsieDaWookie/Ithi Ok'a/L'essa Ru'Atha/Fewi Ik'Ra

Never met a creature I didn't like--well--except crawly ones--well--except stinky ones--well--I haven't met ALL of 'em, either------
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Postby Lantyssa » Wed Jul 21, 2004 6:17 pm

No, training does not change who can handle them. Calling them is solely based on your max pet level (10 for a non-handler) and the adult CL of the pet.

Non-handlers can only use non-aggressive pets as well.

You don't have to kill babies, but they will defend a lair so you may not have much choice. If it helps, a baby isn't likely to survive on its own so while it is painful, you aren't doing it a favor letting it live. (If you want an RP reason.)
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Postby Zurlaboo » Thu Jul 22, 2004 9:28 am

As an example:

I run with a regular group of players. None of them are creature handlers. I have tamed and trained mounts for them. The mounts are all non-aggressive and level 10 (or less).

They can all call their pets and ride them. They can also command their pets to fight for them. They could also pick out names for their pets, but I had to do the work to set that up for them.

I tamed the creatures. I named the creatures while I trained them. I let them grow in my datapad until I could train them as mounts. Once all that was done, I simply traded them over to my friends.

We look fearsome cresting the horizon on our mounts. A rodian on a brackaset, a human female on a dewback, a wookie on a bol, and me in my X34 cadillac... *chuckle*
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Location: Corellia ... Server: Kauri, Wanderhome

Postby Juicer » Thu Jul 22, 2004 10:37 am

X34 cadillac lol...nice...i have a blue swoop with red trim :) its awesome. I get my artisan friend to constantly make me vehicle custimization kits and i go to mos eisley and customize everyones speeders..its pretty fun, especially when u get a tip :D
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Postby kryxal » Sun Jul 25, 2004 1:04 am

[quote:b40502651a=\"Zurlaboo\"]We look fearsome cresting the horizon on our mounts. A rodian on a brackaset, a human female on a dewback, a wookie on a bol, and me in my X34 cadillac... *chuckle*[/quote:b40502651a]

It's times like that, you wish you could ride a Rancor...
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Postby Gath » Tue Jul 27, 2004 1:57 pm

[quote:9d2d2311c8=\"Motherslip\"]Once he is trained, anyone (even a non-CH) can handle him.[/quote:9d2d2311c8]

You need a CH to tame and train them for you (you can tame Bio Engineer pets, but not train them), but once that is done, yeah. You can use them, assuming they arent above the limit of what you can handle. I believe its the current level that matters and not the max level, but even so you wouldnt have much use of the pet for long if it will level past L10.

And as mentioned the limit is L10 and non-aggressive (non-vicious Ive heard btw, which would kinda include death-blow etc, doesnt it? Not that you will find many L10 mobs with death blow).

[quote:9d2d2311c8]Do I have to kill them, or can I let them go? There is no way I can do anything with them yet, is there?[/quote:9d2d2311c8]

If you have Warning Shot you *might* be able to scare them away from their nest and avoid killing them like that.. Not that that will be much better, and the warning shot will probably kill it :)
And no, you must have Novice Creature Handler before you can tame the wee things..

And also, you might be aware of this but incase your not, waypoints take up space in your datapad, as does pets and vehicles. So if you didnt check that, check how much room you have left in your datapad. But most likely you couldnt get the pet traded to you because of a bug. It happens sometimes, relogging seems to clear it up.

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