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Need Highly offensive Pets...

General site discussion area
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Postby Ocean » Sun Aug 01, 2004 8:46 pm

The usual response is \"It depends on the situation... what you're fighting... what type of damage they do... how many there are... blah blah blah...\" Basically, non-commital type answers. But they all seemed to orbit around the \"one big pet\" theory more than the multi-pet tactics. [/quote:5ba7511c82]

Strange. As MCH, for most cases I prefer multiples simply because in light of some of the great BE pets out there, you have the potential for great damage output at lower levels. For instance, as a comparison with my pets (they have other resists, I only mention the ones I am primarily concerned with Kin/Energy):

Option 1 - One Big Pet - Total Levels: 67
Level 67 BE Rancor: 12974/11753/10030, AR1, Kin 44, En 57, Spd 1.98, Hit 0.44, Dmg 550-560, Med Disease, Dizzy, Ranged.

Option 2 - Three Smaller Pets - Total Levels: 67
Level 17 BE Gurrcat: 9.8k/7.7k/7.7k, AR0, Kin 48, En 0, Spd 2.16, Hit 0.32, Dmg 320-330, Dizzy, Strong Poison, Ranged.
Level 18 BE Gurrcat: 9.2k/7.5k/8.6k, AR0, Kin 47, En 0, Spd 2.16, Hit 0.32, Dmg 320-330, Dizzy, Strong Poison, Ranged.
Level 32 BE Razor Cat: 9.6k/7.8k/7.8k, AR0, Kin 48, En 48, Spd 1.98, Hit 0.29, Dmg 370-380, Dizzy, Strong Poison, No Ranged.

Look at the damage output. I haven't done the hard math because I'm not anally retentive, but it looks like I can do quite a deal more damage with three smaller pets than with one large one. Not only that, but then there are three pets helping to keep off aggro rather than just one, if you need them to tank. Sometimes, since I'm TKM also, I'll tank for them instead, and just let them be the damage dealers. :)[quote:5ba7511c82][/quote:5ba7511c82]
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Postby Juicer » Mon Aug 02, 2004 11:19 am

If your pet gets buffed, does it last for the same time a players buff would last?
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Postby Lantyssa » Mon Aug 02, 2004 2:34 pm

The buff will last the same amount of time [i:4becc71979]if[/i:4becc71979] the pet does not store. All buffs go away once they store, intentionally or not.
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Postby Lepus » Tue Aug 24, 2004 2:52 pm

There's mainly only 2 buffs you need for Creatures: Constitution and Stamina.

Originally, a Pet's Regeneration rate is slow as hell.

But, throw a couple of these Regen buffs on the pet to make them Regen as fast as Players do? then add a MDoc right behind the pets with Stim E's that heal for 2-4k?

Originally what i wanted to do was be a Doc / CM, have 3 Dark Troopers (highest level Faction pet an Imperial can get besides AT-ST), and just travel with my three faction pets, have them do the damage (Energy / Stun), and i'd DoT enemies as well as keep my Faction buddies alive. Too bad they nerfed the feature for 1) Faction pets to fight Non-Faction-aligned enemies and 2) The Inability to have multiple faction pets out at once. Oh well.

Thanks for all the input. If / When i do go CH / Doc, i might get three pets like that - that also allows for multiple commands to be issued out all at once (thank god for macro's and /tellpet). Only thing that would stop me from this? Publish 10 and if i unlock Jedi... Still a good idea to keep in mind though if they ever un'nerf CH :D
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Postby Yvesof » Tue Aug 24, 2004 3:24 pm

Sounds like you're looking for a combat capable droid to help out. :wink:
Yvesof Tabec
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Postby Lepus » Fri Aug 27, 2004 10:35 am

Big Bro showed me something last night - he had a Combat Probot

180-190dmg (so averaging w/ 10-20% resists to energy on most smaller-mobs-that-block-harvesters? 150dmg per attack), 0.75 attack speed, and around 3000'ish HAM. (forgot resists)

So this averages (with 20% resists) to about 600 damage every 3 seconds (200dmg / second). Yes, there seems to be a 1-second cap on Players and mob's, but the way the Probot shot it seemed sometimes it would fire 2 attacks in a row every couple of seconds to compensate for the 1-second cap.

Works great for Jedi. And Non-combat classes who need to get to their harvesters but little red aggro mob's are right beside them.

But another idea i had on the DPS... What if you used 1 level 10 pet (9k Health, 60% kinetic resist, BE's can make them), then had 60 Difficulty points left? lvl 10 could tank (draw aggro on), then send in 2 level 30's or 1 level 60 (i wonder which would work better...)

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