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Might be of interest to Creature Handlers...

Discussions pertaining to the creature handler profession
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Might be of interest to Creature Handlers...

Postby Cyphaze » Mon Aug 30, 2004 6:11 am

[quote:b6fb58ad64]Radar now has \"consider mode\" which shows con rating of NPCs and Creatures (Mobiles)[/quote:b6fb58ad64]
This seems like it would make finding babies just a little bit easier. Besides that, it doesn't look like there's anything else interesting on the Publish 10 change list on Test Center. Oh, wait:

[quote:b6fb58ad64]Can put VCD/PCD in toolbar to call/store vehicles and pets[/quote:b6fb58ad64]
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Postby mini-me » Mon Aug 30, 2004 2:12 pm

I tried consider mode in test center 2 all it does is put a colored circle around the target in the radar, the color being the difficulty. It does make finding larger creatures easier

:D and a big YAY to the fact we can put pets in the toolbar :D

But other than that; our poor ch are getting hosed, just wait till they nerf bufs muwahahahahahaha
Lowca Galaxy
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Postby Eltheria » Tue Aug 31, 2004 1:56 pm

I tried to put a pet into the toolbar and when I used that hotkey to call the pet it didn't work. The swoop tho worked just fine. Anyone else have a prob with calling pet via hotkey bar?
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Postby Cyphaze » Tue Aug 31, 2004 4:44 pm

Whoops - spoke too soon. SOE, for some reason, changed their claim to \"Players can now put Vehicle objects on the toolbar to call/store vehicles\" in the Publish 10 change log.

CHs get hosed once again. Thanks, SOE.

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Postby ColdBrew » Tue Aug 31, 2004 7:59 pm

Yeah how retarded is that. Bikes but no pets...
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Postby Ocean » Tue Aug 31, 2004 8:17 pm

How is this getting hosed? Some people just like to complain. I keep hearing from former CHs how they dropped the profession because SOE ruined it. I've always had great fun with my CH, and even more now at master. I don't understand what the whining is all about.
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Postby Cyphaze » Wed Sep 01, 2004 8:16 am

[quote:d7f8b41419=\"Ocean\"]How is this getting hosed? Some people just like to complain. I keep hearing from former CHs how they dropped the profession because SOE ruined it. I've always had great fun with my CH, and even more now at master. I don't understand what the whining is all about.[/quote:d7f8b41419]
It's because it's starting to seem that SOE is just TRYING to annoy the CH community. Yes, I too am having a LOT of fun with CH, and I'm planning to keep CH once I master - but SOE isn't making it any easier for me, nor anyone who has to deal with the hassles and frustrations CH is fraught with.
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Postby Zurlaboo » Wed Sep 01, 2004 5:36 pm

Ya know, if you go to a lot of the other profession-specific sites, people complain there too about getting less than they think they deserve. Let's face it, if being a CH wasn't a blast, most of us wouldn't be doing it.

Yes, there are TONS of things that the devs could do to improve the CH profession. Just reading through the posts on these forums would give them lots of great ideas. But even if they don't change a thing, most of us will keep on taming critters.

The reason that we gripe about it here is because we're among friends and fellow CH's who understand our complaints better than anybody else possibly could. It doesn't mean we think CH sucks, we just sometimes catch brilliant glimpses about how much better it COULD be. :)
One tame at a time :)
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Postby Eltheria » Thu Sep 02, 2004 11:40 am

Yeah, I have been having a great time with my pets. Since I am in the game apparantly after some major nerfs I can't compare what CH used to be. I definitely am not out to be the most uber leet type of person. Just there to have fun :) Still wish the pets could have made it on toolbar hotkey tho ;)
Lrak eldnih
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Postby Lrak eldnih » Sat Sep 04, 2004 6:20 pm

hey all :) :D :)
i had a dream that i was able to handle creature lvl 100 so i could have 3 high level pats out and it kicked ass i loved every second of it .
i think we ARE being pushed around and not being able to do as much as other proffessions and would like to hear that SOE are asking for our comments so that WE can say what we want and not what they THINK we want
many thanks
Lrak :evil: :twisted: :evil:

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