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Do the Speacial attack's queue?

Discussions pertaining to the creature handler profession
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Do the Speacial attack's queue?

Postby webad » Fri Jan 09, 2004 10:09 pm

Do the Speacial attack's stack or queue on the creature.

I set up a macro that tells the pet to use their special attacks.
/tellpet sPattack1;
/tellpet sPattack2

Or should i put a pause in there?
/tellpet sPattack1;
/pause 10
/tellpet sPattack2

Please advise
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Postby Lantyssa » Fri Jan 09, 2004 11:11 pm

There is debate about whether they even work. My impression is that more lean towards not working than working though.
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Postby Hemo_Valencia » Sat Jan 10, 2004 3:57 am

Apparently the devs have not properly added them yet. They'll be adding them to some patch or another, or maybe some small download, but as of now I haven't been able to get my pets to use any special attacks or ranged attacks.
The Empire will cleanse the galaxy of these rebellious upstarts.
Yvesof Tabec

Postby Yvesof Tabec » Mon Jan 12, 2004 1:10 pm

Fighting a Mokk shaman last night with my pet I ordered it to use both special attacks (1. Intimidation 2. Crippling Strike). The crippling strike didn't seem to work since I didn't see the shaman drop a level in posture, but I did see the +Intimidated+ icon flash above his head after using the special attack 1 command. Once early in the fight and later after it had worn off. I'm not saying they do work, but it's a possibility that some of the attacks have a higher chance of working/not working against different enemies or even depending on which special attack slot they're in.

Yvesof Tabec
Sanctuary, Dantooine resident on the Valcyn Server

Postby » Mon Jan 12, 2004 9:08 pm

Crippling Strike is not a posture altering attack.
I have carboneer Crippling shot & it a pure damage to ether the health or action bar.
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Postby Ferret » Tue Jan 13, 2004 4:14 am

[quote:70b06d892c=\"Anonymous\"]Crippling Strike is not a posture altering attack.
I have carboneer Crippling shot & it a pure damage to ether the health or action bar.[/quote:70b06d892c]

I have read several posts confimring it posture down, also mobs with it will make you posture down.
Master CH/BE Farstar
The Brain

Postby The Brain » Tue Jan 20, 2004 12:55 pm

The only thing that seems to work for me consistantly is the ranged attack. The others DO NOT work. One would think they all would be malfunctioning since they came online at the same time, but my experiments don't seem to support that theory. Such is life in the world of MCH....Nothing works as it should. Then again someone may have pets that do as they are told. Wouldn't that be something. :shock:
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Postby Orkvaarrl » Wed Jan 21, 2004 9:30 am

What I have noticed is when I tell my pets to use a special attack to initiate combat it works 50% of the time. If they are already fighting a mob/npc/pc they ignore the command to use a special. While they are fighting they seem to use specials at random.
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Postby FarStryder » Thu Jan 22, 2004 6:24 am

I have gotten my BE pets to special attack upon command BUT you have to do it in a rather strange way.

I a macro for each special attack command and what you have to do it seems is to have the pet follow the target, then use a special attack, then follow, then use a special, etc. I know it sounds strange but it is working this way. My pet \"follow other\" command is \"ft\"... my special attack commands are \"sp1\" for special attack one, \"sp2\" for special attack 2 and \"rg1\" for ranged attack.

My macro's are as follows:

(Special Attack One Macro)

/tellpet ft;
/tellpet sp1

(Special Attack Two Macro)

/tellpet ft;
/tellpet sp2

(Ranged Attack)

/tellpet ft;
/tellpet rg1

The follow other command seems to get the pets \"attention\" and clears the combat queue, then it will listen to the special attack command. I cant give you a good reason why it has to be this way, I can only say that this is working for me and some of my other CH friends.

Postby » Thu Jan 22, 2004 6:43 am

Good post. Thanks FarStryder.

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