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Newbie question. . .

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Ocelot Kane
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Newbie question. . .

Postby Ocelot Kane » Tue Sep 07, 2004 2:46 pm

Greetings all. I'm looking at CH as an add on to my main profession(Pikeman). I saw the list of level 10 pets, which would be for a novice like myself. The way it was explained to me, besides the standard train/release, you can have your pets fight beasts more powerful than they are(basically cannon fodder) to gain CH XP. What method works better to gain XP?

Also, what pets would you recommend getting initially that would be the most useful at the start?
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Postby Nytar » Tue Sep 07, 2004 3:05 pm

As far as I know, the best way to grind CH xp is to kill newbie mobs around the city area with lowest level pet you can get.

If you can get a nice BE pet with good HAM at around level10, that would probably be the best pet to do this. If not, you can also tame a higher level pet and do it while its still a baby and once it grows up, release and tame another.

Having a pikeman skill should help make this grind easier. You can tell your pet to attack mobs, once you see your pet landed [b:7cddd60754]one[/b:7cddd60754] hit, you can take out the mob with your pike. One mob should give you around 100xp this way and one kill should be pretty quick. :)
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Postby Xanth » Tue Sep 07, 2004 4:07 pm

It's long and boring, but safe. I went to the Geo caves the other day and very excited to get 1000 CH xp per kill with a lvl20 gurrcat. My joy quickly disappeared when 4 geonosians caught wind of me and proceeded to pummel my poor hapless body. Even buffed and wearing 80% comp I lasted maybe 5 minutes against the four and died. After doing this three times (yeah, I don't take hints to easily) I figured the XP was not worth it since I blew 25k on buffs and re insuring my items after dying.
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Postby Zurlaboo » Wed Sep 08, 2004 12:39 pm

Hey Ocelot,

As a pikeman, I would suggest that you look for the higest damage in a pet, with kinetic resist and HAM as secondary considerations. (You can do a 'sort by...' in the advanced search section to find out which critters are your best choices.) You'll be doing the lion's share of the tanking, so you want a pet with good damage. I would also suggest a pet who can intimidate, since an intimidated enemy does 40% less damage per blow.

My personal favorite is the dewback. Tough little buggers with a great attitude! :)
One tame at a time :)
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Postby Gath » Sun Sep 12, 2004 10:46 am

You can get a bit over 110xp per kill with a suitable BE pet around the low cities. Id recomend getting a pet with ranged attack, and high kinetic resist. Damage can be low, but to hit should be decently high, keep combat tab up so you see when it hits, and then kill it.

Taming is actually better xp after you gone through the Training tree somewhat, but its more risky as your not sure to find babies in enough quantities..
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Postby Yovannah » Wed Oct 27, 2004 3:24 am

i made some tests with exp and the same mob. came out with the following:

1. test was with a level 11 cu pa, as baby level 1. he got 80 exp.
2. test was the cu pa level 11 full grown he got 1 exp
3. test was a BE cu pa level 22, as baby level 3 he got 110 exp.
4. test was same cu pa as level 20 he got 70 exp.
5. test was same cu pa full grown he got 1 exp.
6. test was a level 44 BE razor cat as baby level 6, he got 210 exp
7. test was same cat with level 20 he got 130 exp
8. test was with cat full grown 1 exp.

so to me it seems that the bigger the pet is full grown and the actual level is as low as possible you get the most exp. even a cat on level 20 gets much more exp that any level 11 mob. can anyone confirm this? test mob was a plain rock beetle on tatooine.

so i will go taming more big pets and spam on litle mobs. boring but save and fast. was thinking to get a nice offensive pet and go to a spam point of jabba or valerian thugs... have the mob 1 hit and blast them away.

btw, the exp were not allways plain 70 or 110, it was like 72 or 109... just easyer to write town :)
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Postby Cyclone » Wed Oct 27, 2004 8:19 pm

[quote:f24c57d51f=\"Yovannah\"]so to me it seems that the bigger the pet is full grown and the actual level is as low as possible you get the most exp.[/quote:f24c57d51f]

I must dissagree with that. Me and my friend were hunting and grinding CH xp. He used a lvl 3 cowardly gurreck, while I was using a lvl8 swamp gurrcat. He always got 10 xp less than me per kill.

But from your testing it seems that BE pets get you more CH xp...
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Postby Kriegan'shka » Fri Nov 05, 2004 1:49 pm

I have found that wild, tamed, babies have given me the most ch xp. My combat skill is TKM. So my techniques will be different than someone with a ranged weapon skill. When I'm after CH XP I \"always\" tank, then have the baby attack just before I make the killing blow.

On corellia my best baby was a bagerset..On Tatooine it was a giant Rock Beetle baby...And on Dantooine it was a large voritor baby. Of which I still have the beetle and the voritor.

I just finished up training last night and am now a Master CH, using a Narglatch baby on Picket Longhorns and Seething Bol Crushers.

The key with babies is to pull critters you wish to fight one at a time if possible. make sure you have good pet stims to heal them before they get incapped or you'll lose the xp of the critter you're fighting. The suggestions here to have a pet with the best defense skills you can are sound ones and will help decrease the pets damage.

I always used the ones that were easiest to find and tame.... :) One of my all time favorites was a baby gronda from corellia.
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what all these terms mean when making dna.

Postby Scoutloch » Wed Jan 05, 2005 3:00 pm


what exactally does MH-MH-gen1-gen1-gen1 mean ??

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Postby TIE » Sun Jan 09, 2005 8:00 am

I have found that a lvl 15 Cowardly Gurreck gives more xp than a lvl 10 BE pet. Once you can tame them I suggest finding a few babies out on Endor, getting a buff and heading over to the Tusken Fort. I think you should wait for the babies to get fully grown first as they only have 3k ham tops. You get hundreds of xp for a commoner and for a warlord - you get a ton! :D

Only problem is that they have 3k ham, so you will have to keep an eye on them. Have them attack after you have started attacking, as the Tusken, most of the time will keep attacking you instead of the pet.

I still have my Cowardly Gurreck and still get tons of xp at the Tusken Fort. Its fun, you get loot, and get pike xp and CH xp. If you are doing the Force Sensitive stuff (Like me) its a great place for xp. I'm a Pikeman also. Yay go pikes!! :)
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