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Which level 50 critter is best in your opinion and why?

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Level 50 Fighting pet... which is best?
Level 50 Fighting pet... which is best?
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Level 50 Fighting pet... which is best?
Level 50 Fighting pet... which is best?
Total votes: 6
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Which level 50 critter is best in your opinion and why?

Postby Dragoran » Tue Nov 16, 2004 12:50 pm

Hello all,
I now have 4 level 50 pets... Rancor, Arachne Webmaster, Rhoa Kwi Pack Leader and a Blurrg. I'm curious as to which would be the best to have for regular old fighting (not PVP) and why you think it is the best at level 50. Also curious as to hear some success stories with those critters... who's first to reply?

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Postby Xanth » Tue Nov 16, 2004 1:57 pm

I'd have to pick the webmaster. It has slightly better resists than the rancor (my 2nd choice) and is smaller in size (I hate not being able to see the target) The only drawback to the webmaster is you can't command the poison special. Rancors have that SW feel to them, but nothing is scarier IMHO than a friggen huge spider.
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Postby hossp » Tue Nov 16, 2004 3:17 pm

you forgot gurreck...hands down the best lvl 50 (wild) in the game..imo

of the ones you have listed, i'd say webmaster..i hate ranged, being a rifleman, renged pet attecks just draw the target to me..rancors are too big, obstruct the view...gurrecks are the best...did i mention that?
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Postby Zurlaboo » Wed Nov 17, 2004 8:19 am

It really depends on what you need from your pets. We've been in a Corvette mission phase lately, and the rhoa kwi pack leader totally rules up there with his energy resists. I send him into the super battle droid room to buy a few seconds for the looter to get in and out. Or just in, on a bad night :P

The reason I became a CH in the first place was because I had helped a friend of a friend get his first rancor pet. I was still very new to the game, and I had never been to Dathomir. The experience was powerful. Huge silhouettes on mountainsides, frozen in lightning flashes... darkness, then suddenly... a rancor standing right behind you. Still to this day that was one of the most memorable nights playing SWG. I decided that night that I wanted to be a master of creatures. I told my friend then that I would someday be the greatest creature handler and have 3 rancors in my control. LOL... Little did I know. Nonetheless, the rancor became a symbol of CH advancement to me, so it's hard for me not to choose him.

If gurrecks were on your list, I would've chosen it because I've become the #1 gurreck fanboy, er, fanrodian!
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Postby Nytar » Wed Nov 17, 2004 9:13 am

I agree with Zurl. It comes down to when/where you use it.

Against Stormies, Rhoa Kwi Pack Leader rules with its Energy resist and Crippling strike and dizzy strike specials. Its as though they are made for that very purpose: take down NPCs with blasters.

For hunting, gurrecks are the best with its intimidation special. Intimidation is a must for a hunting pet as it cuts the damage it receives in half. It will need a lot less pet stims after the hunt is over. If I were to pick a hunting pet from your list, stat-wise, rancor is the best for hunting, but its too bulky to run around with, so I would prolly pick webmaster (though I never had one as a pet yet).

Blurrg may be useful against something with electricity damage weapon (which is pretty rare).
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Postby Dragoran » Wed Nov 17, 2004 7:54 pm

Thanks for the replies all. I don't have a Gurrek... yet. Finally got my Kwi on my last (yeah, right) Bull Rancor Baby hunt... unsuccessful. Anyway, I have the 4 level 50's now... but it looks like I should maybe dump the Blurgg and go find me a Gurrek?????

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Postby hossp » Thu Nov 18, 2004 1:20 am

depends on your combat skill i bieng a rifleman hate ranged attack pets, because they satnd beside me and spit and the target comes over's don't do that, they speed over to the target and keep it away while i kill it...i suppose if you hade some kind of up close combat skill you might prefer ranged
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Postby Sheeana » Fri Nov 26, 2004 7:27 am

Rhoa Kwi Pack Leader is the bestest, mine has never fled from combat which I love, specials arent all that great but its protections are fabulous :)
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