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How many have a BUll RAncor

Discussions pertaining to the creature handler profession
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Joined: Sat Dec 04, 2004 5:45 am

How many have a BUll RAncor

Postby cirifax » Tue Jan 04, 2005 4:44 am

Hi there,

as in the topic, I just wanted to make a census of bull rancors on the various servers.

State ur ingame name, server and if u have or not a bull rancor.
U can also add whatever rare or particularly tough pets u have :)

I'm on the infinity server, ingame name RUNE.
I've found a bull rancor (looking for a second, a little brother eheh).
Found Rhoa kwi pack leaders, mantigrue screecher as particularly hard to get.

I'm looking for an Arachne Widow.. found many lairs, but no baby!
And still looking for gurrecks' babies.. and not to mention the really tough to get Great Plains Stalker: saw 2 adults in all my carrier and only after that I read about the spawning babies after u've killed the adults (and even there u really have to be lucky)!

Ok.. hope this census will be a success :))

Cheers all and happy new year!!
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Location: Bloodfin

Postby velm » Tue Jan 04, 2005 3:46 pm

Well, I go by Alomo on Bloodfin. I JUST now made 3/4/3/4 a day ago. The first LVL 50 critter I got was a regular Ranc. Not too much on the 'rares' or other hard to gets due to the fact that I just got to LVL 50 critters. Gurrecks and Prowling Gurrecks are something that I want, but i am 4/4/4/2 scout, going master scout, then novice ranger with 0/0/3/0. That will give me tracking so HOPEFULLY it will make it easier to find some of them. I spent about an hour and a half on Endor and all I saw were the same things, as I was getting ready to head back, I saw three adult Prowling Gurrecks.
Once I do hit that part of Ranger I will start to go looking. It seems to be a good set of professions with NO skill points left over. You will be able to max out on mask scent, and get good creature havesting and creature knowledge, good offense/defense with pistoleer (or just substitute some other fighter class, I.E. TK and Unarmed)

Marksman 0/4/0/0
Pistoleer 4/4/4/4
Scout 4/4/4/4
CH 4/4/4/4
Ranger 0/0/3/0
MCH/Master Scout/ Rifleman 2/2/1/3/ Ranger 0/0/3/0

(actually, i dropped the ranger and became a master rifleman before the NGE)
Posts: 88
Joined: Wed Aug 18, 2004 8:45 pm

Postby hossp » Tue Jan 04, 2005 4:06 pm

i am on shadowfire..i have all the rares excapt the bull and the wdb..i have done over 700, yes sevenhundred bull's all i missions and go to the village..a friend did that's about 1200 missions and no babies seen..either my server is bugged, or you are very lucky
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Postby Zurlaboo » Tue Jan 04, 2005 4:17 pm

From what I've heard and read, the rarity of the bull rancor is such that in the entire life of SWG, only a handful have spawned. Some servers have never spawned one. It's not a bug, just the way the devs have programmed it. It makes it truly a crowning achievement in the career of a CH. I'd be happy to see a recent screenshot with the words \"bull rancor (baby)\" floating over the little guy... :)
One tame at a time :)
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Joined: Wed Aug 18, 2004 8:45 pm

Postby hossp » Wed Jan 05, 2005 1:58 am

if you check the station ch forum 3 were tamed recently..perhaps xmas presents..i've read the odds of spawning a baby are one in a thousand or .1..but i've killed possibly 3x that and have yet to see one...and cirifax (hey man how's it going) thinks the gps is hard to
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Postby xiriss » Thu Jan 06, 2005 4:23 pm

I am only a 2322 ch, so I have not had the oppertunity to look for a bull rancor baby, though I have been helping a friend look for them, I am only up to about 15 bull missions, as I am to early in the ch stages to be able to get the missions on my own, but it is really helping me level up my skills.

I just got my first Crimson razor cat, woohoo. hehe
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Postby hossp » Thu Jan 06, 2005 6:27 pm

got mine more rancors must

wild lair w of trade it first try, surruonded by adults..they do exist on shadowfire
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Location: Bloodfin

Postby velm » Thu Jan 06, 2005 6:31 pm

MCH/Master Scout/ Rifleman 2/2/1/3/ Ranger 0/0/3/0

(actually, i dropped the ranger and became a master rifleman before the NGE)
Posts: 108
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Location: Pratia

Postby xiriss » Thu Jan 06, 2005 8:09 pm

congrats hoss, you will have to show me one of these days
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Joined: Sat Dec 04, 2004 5:45 am

Postby cirifax » Fri Jan 07, 2005 1:42 am

Hi there Hossp :)

Nice hearing from u, and congrats on the bull rancor baby!! :)

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