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Some overall changes

Relevant news about Creature Handlers and SWGCreatures
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Some overall changes

Postby Juntao » Fri Feb 06, 2004 2:25 pm

I'm sure you've noticed the changes that have been taking place lately. Namely with the ads, banners and such.

I have joined the AGN network and as such will recieve my ads from them. AGN also offers a Premium membership for their other sites, but this will not impact us here. All features will remain free to everyone. The one benefit on our site in particular to being a member is that it will remove all ads from the site.

The site also remains wholly under my control. AGN is just providing advertising and possibly hosting in the future. Other than the ads and the slight format changes, nothing else has changed for SWGCreatures!

This is an exciting move and assures continued life for and also assures continued added features! I have lots of stuff in store for us here!

If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to bring them up!
Juntao Ta'kor
Master Creature Handler
Ahazi Galaxy

not working with mozilla?

Postby » Sat Feb 14, 2004 5:43 pm

Did you recently make any changes that would prevent the site from working with Mozilla? It used to work great, but not anymore. Could be my end I suppose, but I figured I would ask.
Site Admin
Site Admin
Posts: 440
Joined: Sun Sep 28, 2003 8:17 pm
Location: Austin, TX

Postby Juntao » Sat Feb 14, 2004 6:14 pm

Hrm, I am able to view the site just fine with my version of Mozilla (1.6). So I'm not really sure what could be the problem.

Are there certain parts of the site that work for you and others that do not?
Juntao Ta'kor

Master Creature Handler

Ahazi Galaxy

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