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Bloated GubbER not gubbUr

If you find any bugs with the website (NOT SWG THE GAME!), be sure to let me know!
Field Biologist
Field Biologist
Posts: 44
Joined: Wed May 19, 2004 4:49 pm

Bloated GubbER not gubbUr

Postby vvedge » Sun Mar 13, 2005 12:36 pm

I think the bloated gubbur ([url][/url]) should spell bloated gubber
The resist are the same
but 'bone type' should be 'none' instead of 'animal'
I've not updated the entry as I'm not 100% sure but I submit it to other approvation :)

or is it another creature ?
if it is then all the dna I entered were maybe a mistake... and should apply to the bloated gubber instead
Dako Sijei - Male Zabrak - <BEAST>
Creature Handler / Bio-engineer
Farstar Galaxy

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