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General site discussion area
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Postby Megamachoman » Mon Mar 21, 2005 4:03 pm

If a creature is a stalker what does this mean?
i never really thought of it till now and im sure itll help me some how someway
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Postby Juicer » Tue Mar 22, 2005 9:27 am

I don't understand that either, but sometimes i get the message \"You are being stalked by a female razor cat\" and i think wtf is going on? They never attack me, just stalk me....its weird. maybe they r just makin sure we dont attack their kids?
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Postby ranja123 » Tue Mar 22, 2005 10:27 am

IF you loiter long enough they may catch your scent and attack. I had this happen to me on Corelia with a giant carrion spat as I was attempting to steal a baby... it did attack and as I was unarmoured and unbuffed she killed me...
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Postby Rydenn » Tue Mar 22, 2005 10:43 am

If you are a ranger you will get a message saying that you are being stalked by creatures when they begin to follow you. Basically what this means is they can smell you and they know you are there, so they will follow you without you knowing (unless your a ranger) and attack you if they are agressive. Usually if they stalk you it's more than just one stalking you, because they won't attempt to attack you on their own (usually). Once again I just think it depends on their aggressiveness. When you examine a creature (not sure if you have to be a ranger or not) but you can see if they are a stalker.

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