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TIme to give back!

Relevant news about Creature Handlers and SWGCreatures
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TIme to give back!

Postby Juntao » Tue Apr 05, 2005 11:48 am

So with the expansion coming out, it's time for a little fun!

The expansion will be releasing soon (hopefully) and to encourage new exploration and collection of specimens from Kashyyyk, we'll be running a contest here at!

Whatever month the expansion is released in, we'll run the contest through the end of the next month. For example, if the expansion is released in April, we'll run the contest through the end of May.

Here's how the contest will work. Depending upon valid data input into the site, points will be awarded. Different additions will garner different points. The person(s) with the most points at the end of the contest will receive a prize!!

So what's the prize you ask? First place will get a choice between a 60 day pre-paid game card, or an Star Wars Revenge of the Sith: Boga with Obi-Wan Kenobi (so you too can have your very own Veractyl)! Second place will receive whatever first place didn't take. In addition, we'll award custom titles on the board to the top 10 contributors.

Here's how the points will break down:

Initial entry : 10 points
Wildlife pic : 5 points
Update : 2 points
Sighting : 1 point
DNA entry : 1 point

Now, only valid submissions will count. Bogus submissions will not count (obviously). Only accepted wildlife pics will count so make them good. Only 1 update, sighting, or DNA entry will count per person per creature. If you are the person who does the Initial Entry, you will not receive additional points for an update. Only entries on denizens of Kashyyyk will be counted.

So if you look at this, you will see that each creature is worth 16 points as an initial entry if done right and worth 17 points if you can sample their DNA.

These rules may be adjusted as needed. The winner must be able to receive shipments from as that is where the purchases will be made from. After the contest is over, I will do final calculations and declare the winner(s).

Anyone caught cheating will not only be disqualified but also banned from the site. Cheating would be such things as entering purposely false information or bogus creatures.

I will try to get something together that will show day by day point tallies so that you all will know your standing.

This contest is for fun so treat it as such. I am looking forward to a new planet and looking for all the new critters so let's have a good time of it!

Good luck and happy hunting!!

Juntao Ta'kor
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Postby Nytar » Tue Apr 05, 2005 12:05 pm

Hmmm time to sharpen my needles! Come to papa Boga!
[color=#33CCFF:b375b202e1] Nyter:Genetics[/color:b375b202e1]
[color=#33CCCC:b375b202e1] Tempest[/color:b375b202e1]
[color=#33CC99:b375b202e1] Naboo, Edoras[/color:b375b202e1]
[color=#33CC66:b375b202e1] 6228 -4316[/color:b375b202e1]
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Postby Nytar » Tue Apr 05, 2005 3:21 pm

Oh I thought Juntao was talking about a toy version.
I am definetely getting an in-game pet, but would be nice to have a toy version as well.
[color=#33CCFF:b375b202e1] Nyter:Genetics[/color:b375b202e1]

[color=#33CCCC:b375b202e1] Tempest[/color:b375b202e1]

[color=#33CC99:b375b202e1] Naboo, Edoras[/color:b375b202e1]

[color=#33CC66:b375b202e1] 6228 -4316[/color:b375b202e1]
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Postby Juntao » Tue Apr 05, 2005 4:05 pm

I am definately referring to the Hasbro toy version =)
Juntao Ta'kor

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Postby TIE » Tue Apr 05, 2005 9:13 pm

I would love that little toy, or even the ingame pet. :D

But saddly im too poor to buy JTL or Rage of Wookies.

*sigh* Oh well...
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Postby Kelsaka » Thu Apr 14, 2005 2:53 pm

I'm really looking forward to have a whole new planet to creature map :D I think I will have to put all my tailoring on hold for a few days so I can explore!
Kelsaka Rymi - Master Tailor/Master Merchant
Maisaka Rymi - Scout/Master Pistoleer

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