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Who thinks CH should have more power?

Discussions pertaining to the creature handler profession
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Postby ranja123 » Tue Apr 05, 2005 10:04 am

I am on the fence on this one...

No one class is better at PVE than the MCH (jedi excluded obviously), I happen to be a MCH/ TKM.

PvP is a different story I hear, I do not/ will not partake of the PvP aspect so I don't know.

My feeling regarding pets is they are fine the way they are due to the fact that the MCH has many other professions they can master as well as MCH.

The position certainly can be argued either way.

I was doing a themepark and I had a tef. I was not a TKM at that time but a novice with little fighting skills.
A sneaky swamp smelling trandoshan (I hate lizards) tried to take me on in a space port. I feigned fear and ran to the corner cowering as this TKM came up to me to get some easy faction points.
So concentrated on me and seeing I had only mastered ranger/ MCH at the time I was a fuzzy bunny waiting for harvest.
Yes he began to pulvarize me as my fignting skills were inept compared.

I ran to another corner with about 85% health left screaming KILL!! KILL!!
Doh wrong command, I said KILL! as the monk cornered me yet again.

The arrogant toad said \"YES I am going to kill you!\" as a green vapour enveloped the area infecting this slimey snake of a creature with the plague strike. It didnt take long for him to relize that a Mantigrue screetcher named Smaug and his master would be his doom.
It was my only PvP battle and my hands were quivering violently after I landed my death blow on him. The arrogant toad didn't even don his armour to fight me (to his demise).
I patted Smaug on the head as he finished the entrails of the dead trandoshan, good boy! yes Good boy!
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Postby xiriss » Wed Apr 06, 2005 4:55 pm

both good points, but I still think that our pets should be a bit stronger, I for one am not one for bio'ed pet, I have used em, and of coure my newest one is, as you can't get em in the wild, but I am not one to use a pet I payed to much for in a fight, just for showing off.

as for ranger and ch being combined there are similarities, but enough differences to make that not really plausable
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Postby T'Ky » Tue Apr 19, 2005 7:53 am

[quote:cc9c78df57=\"xiriss\"]unbalanced, you mean if Players couldn't kill our pets in 3 hits, we might have more of a chance of staying alive, think about it, we as players even when buffed have maybe 4k HAM, our pets can have even 11k, and they go down way before we do, they do a Damage: 455-620 per hit(and thats the bull rancore), when players can get upto 1500 if not more I have seen pets go down faster once tamed than in the wild a bit more power would not hurt anything, I like to PVP but as my only combat skill is TKM I would like to be able to rely on my pets in a battle.[/quote:cc9c78df57]

As far as PvP goes creatures may be underpowered, because when fighting a buffed player the pet may have a larger ham pool, but it does not have the enhanced secondary stats. BUT if they were to make a pet that was balanced for PvP imagine what would happen if you used the same pet for PvE... you'd be killing rancors in a few hits and getting 1 CH xp per kill. I dont do PvP so i dont consider my pets weak, in fact i frequently find myself opting for a lower level pet in combat purely because when using a high level pet i get almost no CH xp
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Location: Europe-Chimaera

Postby T'Ky » Tue Apr 19, 2005 8:08 am

On another point, the cost of BE pets i can only say, try being a BE.

Making pets is no walk in the park, BEs still get crit fail and we cant sample from a speeder, plus EVERY pet we make is hand made, there are no factories.

There may be some BEs that charge a fortune, but thats up to them... the most i've made on a BE sale is 180k, and that was for job lot of 15 non-uber non-CH pets.
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Postby Cyphaze » Sat May 14, 2005 7:45 am

I think the CL cap should be pushed up to 100, but the max pet level should remain at 70. That way, having multiple (natural) pets out would be a viable strategy as opposed to a novelty as it is now...
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Postby velm » Thu May 19, 2005 12:29 pm

My main beefs with CH and combat are the following:

delay in calling a pet.
-this might seem trivial, but if you do not have a pet out, and are calling one, this could be a make it or break it time. A red dot CAN approach in that time limit, it has happened to me before.

not being able to call a pet during combat.
-If my Bowcaster runs out of condition during a fight, I can use another one. My pets are a source of damage as well. By that right, I should be able to call them as well. Yes, a CH could just send out pet after pet, after pet and so on. I do not think the CH would honestly live long enough though if his pets keep on dropping. We sacrifice much in the way of accuracy and defense mods to obtain CH to get that extra damage from a pet. Let us use our pets to our advantage. We are no longer the feared profession we once were during the glory days. We are now in dark times.

Increase our max lvl.
-up our lvl to 80. We have seen too many our pets jump in value to above lvl 70, thereby making them useless. I see people talk about how pets can be used in PVP. I doubt it. Now, accuracy can increase how much damage a person does compared to their defense. Numbers do not lie. A CH gets [b:c1f0bb1455]only[/b:c1f0bb1455] a +10 to hit creatures.
As a MBH/Master Rifleman/ 0/1/3/4 Pistoleer:
general ranged accuracy 185
ranged defense 235
melee defense 165
gen ranged speed 55

As a MR/MBH I can do specials that add up to 1.2k. Not sure if I could touch that with CH still in my templete.

The skill pts that CH needs will cut some of pts by half in some cases and you will lose some handy specials. A CH loses all those points just so they have to wait to equip their weapon, summon their pet, and not be able to summon another one in battle, have the pets not listen to commands because of ferocity issues, have pets disappear, have pets get stuck in landscapes, have pets not follow me in caves or dungeons. Now, there are annoying issues of pets just standing around or wandering off after a combat. I, as a MCH, was reduced to using my two gurrecks, who used to read 'looks like instant death.' They no longer read that. In addition to used those two, and looking for BE pets. The little issues just keep on snowballing and snowballing.

The CH profession needs to be compensated for the loss of specials, accuracy, defense and other little issues. It is a combat prof, right?

If people like CH, more power to them. It would nice for SOE to throw us a bone.
MCH/Master Scout/ Rifleman 2/2/1/3/ Ranger 0/0/3/0

(actually, i dropped the ranger and became a master rifleman before the NGE)
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Location: czech republic

Postby Jorssk » Tue May 24, 2005 1:37 am

Heh and try use pets in high level dungeons like Avatar or Corvette. They are dead on three NPC hits too...
Master Bounty Hunter, Master Creature Handler

Eclipse - Jorssk Kelas

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