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Postby Juntao » Thu May 24, 2007 5:18 pm

As some of you know, I work in the games industry. I also work here in Austin, TX where SWG is developed. We had a recent interview with an ex SWG dev and I thought you guys might be interested in hearing some of what he had to say.

Yes, the new incubator stuff was a bone thrown to the old CH/BE of old. No big surprise about that.

The NGE was forced on SOE by Lucas. They did not want to do it, or so I'm told.

At this time there are only 2 remaining devs on SWG. Don't expect anymore real changes or updates. These guys are in maintenance mode, just keeping things running.

The contract SOE has for SWG expires in 2009. SWG's days are quite literally very numbered. There is no chance Lucas is going to renew the SWG license for SOE. There is very strong speculation that a new Star Wars MMO is already in development, set to launch not long after the plug is pulled on the SWG servers.

So anyway, none of this can be confirmed other than what was inferred taken from an ex-dev. Take it how you will.
Juntao Ta'kor
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Postby martyk » Fri May 25, 2007 8:41 am



You work in video games?
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Postby Juntao » Fri May 25, 2007 4:35 pm

Juntao Ta'kor

Master Creature Handler

Ahazi Galaxy
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Re: Interesting

Postby Rasal » Fri Jun 01, 2007 5:06 pm


So anyway, none of this can be confirmed other than what was inferred taken from an ex-dev. Take it how you will.[/quote:273bd73aca]
And that's really what needs to be emphasized here. I have a contact in SOE and all I can say is I have heard the contrary to most of what was mentioned here. But things change on a daily basis, so only time will tell how SWG fares in the future.

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