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Publish 7 notes

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Publish 7 notes

Postby Juntao » Tue Mar 16, 2004 10:19 am

Publish 7 has gone live! Here are the interesting CH notes!

Camp Restrictions Removed: After Publish 7, players will no longer be required to be in camps to pull out Vehicles, Mounts, Droids or Pets and can pull them out wherever they are, eliminating the player inconveniences of having to find rural areas far from cities, lairs and other no-build zones in order to build a camp. The basic rules of calling Vehicles, Mounts, Droids or Pets are:

  • There is a 15 second delay after you call for a vehicle/mount/pet/droid before it will generate.
  • If combat occurs during that 15 second period, it will stop the call from completing.
  • A player will not be able to call a vehicle/mount/pet/droid during combat for 30 seconds after combat is concluded.
  • A player will not be able to call a mount/pet/droid while mounted or on a vehicle.
  • Camps have retained their original vehicle/mount/pet/droid calling abilities so that either method can be used by players.

    New Mounts
  • Bantha
  • Cu Pa

  • Fixed additional checks for invalid pets. Invalid pets (stats out of acceptable range, incorrect level for stats, etc) will not be able to called from the Datapad.
  • Fixed Factional pets to be able to attack Covert targets and turrets.
  • Pets lower than level 10 will now grow correctly and be called at the correct level.

    Professions: Creature Handler
  • Fixed CHs being able to tame a Bio Engineered pet higher level than they can control
  • Fixed Non Creature Handlers from being able to call a non-aggressive Bio Engineered pet of any level.
  • Added system messages for when you toggle your pet's ranged attack mode on or off

    Undocumented Change!
    It appears they have also made the change so that when you examine a creature, if it lists Tameable : Yes, then that creature will produce babies! If it lists NO, then that creature does not! So this finally gives us a way to know conclusively if a creature has babies or not!
  • Juntao Ta'kor
    Master Creature Handler
    Ahazi Galaxy
    Posts: 173
    Joined: Fri Jan 09, 2004 12:17 pm
    Location: Austin, TX

    Postby Yvesof » Tue Mar 16, 2004 12:31 pm

    So what is this about toggling the ranged attack on and off? How is that done?

    Yvesof Tabec
    Master Bio-Engineer/Carbineer/CH
    Resident of Minerva, Naboo
    Valcyn Server
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    Postby Juntao » Tue Mar 16, 2004 12:56 pm

    I haven't had a chance to try it out yet, but from my understanding, when issuing the command to your pet to use his ranged attack, you should now get some sort of system message.
    Juntao Ta'kor

    Master Creature Handler

    Ahazi Galaxy
    Posts: 2
    Joined: Mon Mar 15, 2004 6:04 am

    Postby Firey » Tue Mar 16, 2004 5:49 pm

    It seems they have also fixed pet special attacks. Now when you tell your pet to use its special attack it actually does it on its next attack. I was keeping things permanently status affected all day :)

    Postby » Tue Mar 16, 2004 7:21 pm

    well I live near Fort tusken. I just saw 3 new tuskens.
    Tusken Witch doctor 150-200k HAM yes 200k+ ham
    Tusken observer 200k-250k HAM
    Tusken Executioner 300k-360k HAM
    heavy armor, heavy resist. My guild took out an witch and observer down they drop new loot. I got a black metal g. baton. My friend got a fragment of a messageof the observer.
    I forgot to take screenies. I can't even get close to the fort anymore. Executioners are great snipers one shoot 3k. Plus its seems tusknes are great Tera kasis now lol .
    Posts: 26
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    Postby Husarz » Wed Mar 17, 2004 2:24 am

    Checks for invalid pets still dont work correct. Im still able to call my bugged lvl 1 blurrg after i have my lvl 60 kimo out.

    Postby Tosigo » Sun Mar 21, 2004 12:48 am

    I've also noticed that I can no longer see the damage on my tamed, BE pets. I see the damage on pet deeds, but not on my tamed pets. And I always could see it before. Nothing about my scouting abilities has changed since then, so there should be no reason for it.
    Posts: 173
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    Location: Austin, TX

    Postby Yvesof » Sun Mar 21, 2004 3:19 pm

    The invalid check pet worked on my guy. I called a level 9 Krahbu with 4000 Health/1500 Action & Mind w/110 dmg and 2 specials with under 10% resists and it was changed to level 12.
    Yvesof Tabec

    Master Bio-Engineer/Carbineer/CH

    Resident of Minerva, Naboo

    Valcyn Server

    great thing

    Postby friend » Mon Mar 22, 2004 11:24 am

    [b:5d1727b483] :oops:
    great for us I am a master CH nd if what you say is true this is great!!! :lol: [/b:5d1727b483]

    Postby » Tue Mar 30, 2004 12:26 pm

    check for out of bounds pets is indeed working, I lost a 4k ham pet...
    Additionally, as a BE it's really tough to make level 10 pets now
    if they have any resists it's impossible to get them above 1500 800 300 or so
    that's with no special attacks, and 30-40 attack

    ASKY Ron

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