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Do the Speacial attack's queue?

Discussions pertaining to the creature handler profession
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Postby Yvesof » Thu Jan 22, 2004 4:11 pm

Very interesting. I'll have to get my MCH friend come and retrain my pets in the follow other command.
Yvesof Tabec
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Postby Lantyssa » Thu Jan 22, 2004 6:37 pm

I figured out why that follow other command works last night.

Special attacks will work if they are in melee range of their target, not already in combat, and then ordered to use their specials.

I was able to duplicated with an area effect attack that was next to a creature and a lair so I could see it hit the creature and attempt to hit the lair.

Since follow other breaks combat, you are essentially telling your pet to engage in combat over and over.
Hex Caliber
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Special attacks

Postby Hex Caliber » Thu Feb 12, 2004 8:08 am

Most specials will work with one or two exceptions and they can be stacked. To have a pet carry out a special I use a macro:

SA1 {
/Shout follow;
/shout a1;
The follow command is the command to follow you this causes the pet to break off the attack followed by what ever special you wish to use, you must use /shout or it will not work and don't bother with /tellpet.
[u:79255dd55a][b:79255dd55a]This method works every time[/b:79255dd55a].[/u:79255dd55a].If you want to stack wait 2 seconds after the first special. Attacks like Knockdown and poison/disease can not be commanded at this time.
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when pets attack...

Postby PJETTE » Thu Apr 29, 2004 12:37 pm

Hey guys Im a new CH(2 weeks) im 4/4/3/3, and here are my observations...

Spceials get resisted all the time (I'm also a TKA), [i:6f39776c5b][b:6f39776c5b]BUT[/b:6f39776c5b][/i:6f39776c5b] even tho my specials might get resisted I still get charged HAM for attempting the specials... That said I think specials are kinda bugged atm because wether I spam pet specials or not, my pets mind ham bar stays 100%.

I have noticed if I iniciate combat via a pet special the HAM bar does change on my pet and seems to land half the time...Has anyone else expericienced this?


Postby akhik » Sat Jun 26, 2004 7:14 am

unless you dont have pets with specials, you dont even know what a special is oyoure just blind, spec attacks are pretty obviously still borked. I have had some success with the follow/attack routine mentioned above(which also works to get your pet off of the creature theyre attacking and pay attention to the creature thats just gone ag on you instead) I have also noticed some attacks are used mroe often by the pet by themselves and also will be executed when commanded more often... heres some of my observations:

ranged: first of all this DOES work, second you need to be master CH to train it AND you have to \"toggle\" your pet to use it by giving the command word. From what I've witnessed the pet will attemt to use the ranged attack until the enemy closes to melee when it will switch over, but like all ranged vs. melee and with all of SWG's bugginess dont expect this to work 100%

knockdown: dont bother... borked... I tried this on a level 40 kima doing nothing but spamming the spec attack command on various creatures levels 10-60 and got nothing and tried in duels against some cooperative players (all levels of combat skill) with absolutely zero result.

stun: this seems to work pretty effectively and will be executed frequently on its own or works with the follow/attack thing.

blindness: been using this with my arachne warrior a lot and surprisingly it works pretty effectively. works with follow/attack but will be executed only occasionally on its own.

dizzy: mixed results, follow/attack seems to make it more efficient but even then it doesnt seem real accurate.

poison: this seems to work pretty effectively, again works with follow/attack and seems to be used fairly frequently on its own.

disease: as far as I can tell this is governed by astrology or some obscure law of theoretical math... there are days when it hits every time its commanded and days where it wont work at all... no idea.

intimidate: works about as well as stun and blind works with follow/attack

change posture, plague attack and others not mentioned here: no idea... dont have the pets to do the field research.

hope this helps in even a small way, just my way of contributing

-akhik oslatta 0chilastra server
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Postby Lantyssa » Sat Jun 26, 2004 9:43 pm

Um, this post was months old. Things have changed a bit since then...

Mostly what you said is true now, however it is not necessary to have your pets follow. Specials work (if they work for that special) at range or in melee as long as the attack hits and it is not resisted.
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Postby Camina » Thu Jul 15, 2004 3:14 pm

I think one can safely assume to base status effects, or in this case, special attacks with how traps of scouts and rangers work. Aka Dizzy traps have no effect on animals, though the trap does \"land\". Therefore a special attack for Dizziness is as ineffective. Blind however does seem to take.

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