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Lok or Endor .. ?

Discussions pertaining to the creature handler profession
Posts: 292
Joined: Wed Jun 02, 2004 7:34 pm
Location: Nomadic Tempest Dweller

Postby Zurlaboo » Tue Aug 30, 2005 10:39 pm

It would not be a walk in the park, but if you aren't careless, you can certainly hunt on those planets. Almost everything will aggro you but you can mask scent and burst run to safety. Start out slowly by staying close to the outposts until you learn what you can handle.

Lok has a lot of humanoid spawn (ie: pirates) that will shoot at you. It also has kimogilas. They can be quite deadly if you let your guard down.

Endor has mostly creature spawn, but they can be equally challenging. The cats are fast when they chase you. Mereks have a nasty range spit. And if you wander too close to the DeathWatch Bunker, you might meet some nasty folks. Also be careful up north. If you find yourself standing in a big shadow, pray it doesn't belong to the Gorax :P

If you ride a speeder, you might get back aggro from some of the range attackers. If you are just exploring, I'd walk (or run) so you'd have time to see what those red dots ahead of you were.

Make sure you store your clone data and have fun :)
One tame at a time :)

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