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adv search issues

If you find any bugs with the website (NOT SWG THE GAME!), be sure to let me know!

adv search issues

Postby Roach » Wed Feb 18, 2004 3:34 am

I have noticed when doing advanced searches, and multiple pages are returned, if i click on page 2 or page 3 links in the upper right that it instantly jumps to page 2 of the all creatures list.

I'm on a win 2000 pro machine using IE6

btw great site.

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Postby Juntao » Wed Feb 18, 2004 5:29 am

Could you give me an example of an advanced search you did that caused these results? Also, when you say immediately, it further makes me think your browser is loading a cached version of the page.

I just gave this a shot and it worked just fine for me, but maybe it is particular to the type of search you are doing.
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Postby Yvesof » Wed Feb 18, 2004 1:50 pm

That had happened to me as well before, but it was working fine yesterday.

Not sure what the problem was.
Yvesof Tabec
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