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Hypothesis on Pet Growth

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Hypothesis on Pet Growth

Postby Warrote » Tue Jun 15, 2004 1:20 pm

I've noticed a few things about pet growth that have lead me to a hypothesis:

I normally play the same hours consistently (weekend mornings while my wife sleeps). I have noticed my pets CL increase at approximately the same time of the day. I have noticed that if I don't log on for many days, my pets don't grow. If I log in once a day and my pets grow a little. If I log in and pull my pets out once a day they grow a little more, but not as fast as some who have used their pets a ton in a couple days (maybe 1/4 that amount).

I am thinking that pet growth is based off of time intervals when the pets grow (maybe every 8hrs?). This has lead me to believe that pet growth doesn't depend on the amount of hours you have your pet depends on when you have pulled your pet out. I think that if I logged in several times a day and just pull my pets out then log off, my pets would grow much faster and perhaps faster than if I had them out for a few hours straight.

Any volunteers for testing? Anyone have similar thoughts?

~Warrote of Bloodfin
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Postby Lantyssa » Tue Jun 15, 2004 5:44 pm

I am not sure of all the factors. One that has seemed to hold true for me though is that the more pets in your pad, the less your pets grow.

When I had a handful of pets, I would get double or triple spurts in a single day. Once I had close to a full pad (28 back when aggressive and non-aggressive were counted separately), the growth came at a trickle. Yet others were talking about their pets getting full grown within a day or two.

The only thing that seemed consistant was that those talking about quick growth had very few pets.

(Now this is all unproven. I have not done tests because I did not care all that much about it. It is just what I perceived, so take it as you will.)
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Postby Zurlaboo » Wed Jun 16, 2004 12:49 pm

Hey gang,

Warrote, I know that you recently tamed 3 or 4 grauls. I tamed 3 myself soon after. All 3 of them grew to full maturity quite quickly, surpassing a giant crystal snake, a huurton matron and a... what the heck are those called? Right! mantigrue night stalker. I never took out the grauls until they were matured to level 24. I log in about 3pm est 5 days a week. My datapad is always at maxed pet level. I wonder if having the same type of pets growing at the same time has any effect. Did you notice anything with your grauls?
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Postby Warrote » Thu Jun 17, 2004 9:26 am

Thats interesting...I just noticed that all three grew at the same pace. I didn't have any other pets growing at the time. If I remember correctly, I did pull one or two out occassionally, and I don't think that affected the rate.

There sure are a lot of unanswered questions when it comes to pet growth.

~Warrote of Bloodfin

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